Can Chivalry And Equality Co-Exist?

This – is never a question I thought I would find myself asking. However, I have learned about many different viewpoints in the world after writing previous blogs on the topic of chivalry and respect, and I find that many of them are opposite of my own. Chivalry, by definition, is as follows: Note: Courtesy, generosity,…

5 Things Men Can Learn From James Bond

There are men in the world who show us on national TV what not to do, such as the latest Bachelor, Juan Pablo, and then there are men, even fictional men, we can learn from. In a recent Facebook discussion, I asked: What fictional character, either in literature or movies, do you feel best embodies the idea of a…

5 Ways To Woo Her

So, gentlemen, here we are. We find ourselves within a society of our peers who desperately try to set themselves apart in order to win the attention, and hopefully the love of a woman. The challenge here is that if we all say that we’re different from the others, all it does is make us…

5 Easy Ways To Be More Gentlemanly

Fair is fair, gentlemen. We’ve discussed the 5 Things Making Women Less LadyLike, but we can’t forget the devolution of the gentleman into…whatever guys today call themselves. Fellow men of the world — learn from our predecessors who carried themselves with dignity and class. They were providers, protectors, and a support system for their women and…

Do’s And Don’t Of A Confident Man

There are some things that never go out of style – fast cars, good food, being a gentleman, and…a man’s confidence. Your confidence shows through everything. It speaks louder than the car you drive, the condo you live in, or the way you dress. Your confidence can open doors for you in life, and lack…

5 Ways To Stay Out Of The Friend Zone

When writing articles about chivalry, romance, and relationships – one tends to learn quite a bit about people from comments, emails, and messages. One of the things that I have learned is a prominent issue, is the male race’s avoidance of kindness for fear of being seen as “just a friend.” I’ve been there, gentlemen…

Who Is Really Killing Chivalry?

As the saying goes, “If chivalry is dead, then women killed it.” This, of course, is referring to the increasingly prominent ‘I can do it myself’ independent attitudes of women. But, there’s also another saying about not letting one rotten apple spoil the bunch, or bushel, or something like that. You get the point. Take…

How To: Ace The First Date

Alright, gentlemen, I know some of these will probably be painfully simple – but you’d be surprised how often they go overlooked. You had what it takes to score yourself a first date, now make sure you do what it takes for a second one. As crazy as some of this might sound, some of…

The Gentleman Is The New Bad Boy

Welcome to the inaugural post on, where we discuss the gentleman as the next evolutionary phase of man. He is one who rises above the need for brute force or primal instincts to make his mark or solve his problems. His focus is in building himself (and others) up through self improvement, rather than…